Looking for GREATE DEALS & BEST BUY on Fregula Sarda -Sardinian Couscous Medium ? You are in the right place to get Cheapest Fregula Sarda -Sardinian. You can compare prices and read reviews on Fregula Sarda -Sardinian here.
Fregula Sarda -Sardinian Couscous Medium this product is a lot people search and Fregula Sarda -Sardinian have sold by trusted site we are Guarantee. We already surveyed have been popular and is cheap price now.
Here are some of the great features of Fregula Sarda -Sardinian Couscous Medium
Fregula Sarda -Sardinian, The term "fregula" (also fregola) may derive from the Latin word fricare, meaning chopping up: little fragment, splinter, crumb, scrap, corpuscle. It is in fact a pasta created by rubbing coarse semolina into little balls in the presence of water. Unlike North African or Middle Eastern Couscous, the little balls are then toasted in an oven, giving it a toasty, almost rustic taste. This medium fregula is a staple in the Sardinian kitchen, both on the coast and in the interior. It is an all purpose pasta suitable for meat and seafood dishes, or even a bean dish like Fregula con Fagioli, the Sardinian version of Pasta i Fagioli. It can be seasoned with tomato and sausage or used in its most famous dish "fregula con cocciula" (fregola with clams) from Cagliari. Given its density and texture, it can absorb a ton of liquid without becoming mushy, and so it just may be the ultimate pasta for soups. Serve it like the natives, in "Brodo", either beef, chicken or mushroom broth. Best when cooked in boiling water for 10-12 minutes.
- A very versatile pasta option.
- Medium sized fregula.
- 500 gr.This couscous is baked in an oven, giving it a toasty flavor.
- A staple of the Sardinian kitchen.
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