Are you looking for the best offers in Counted Cross Stitch Chart Victorian Father Christmas Santa with Child on Donkey and Tree Cyber Monday Deals ? I found that the best place that sale Counted Cross Stitch lowest prices on Cyber Monday Deals is Amazon Store.
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Here are some of the great features of Counted Cross Stitch Chart Victorian Father Christmas Santa with Child on Donkey and Tree
Counted Cross Stitch, Santa Claus, Santa, is a cultural figure who reflects an amalgamation of the Dutch Sinterklaas, the English Father Christmas, and Christmas gift-bringers in other traditions. Santa Claus is said to bring gifts to the homes of good children during the late evening and overnight hours of Christmas Eve, December 24. Santa Claus in this contemporary understanding echoes aspects of tales concerning the historical figure of gift-giver Saint Nicholas, the man from whom the name of Santa Claus derives and in whose honor Santa Claus may be referred to as Saint Nicholas or Saint Nick.
- We provide two charts both printed in black ink on bright white 11" by 17" paper.
- Exceptional counted cross stitch chart (floss and fabric not included).
- Charted for 14 count fabric. Finished size is 10 inches (140 stitches) by 16 inches (224 stitches).
- Chart uses 48 colors DMC Cotton Floss. Full stitches only. No half stitches and no backstitching necessary.
- Chart #1 is a single page chart. Chart #2 (tired eyes) is a 4 page enlarged chart that eases eye strain.
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